27.05.2016 / Bogen F

The K

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Bogen F
Bogen F, Zurich:


Sometimes, a single letter will suffice. What exactly 'The K.' stands for might remain a mystery forever, but whoever witnesses a live show the trio from Brussel/Liège won't easily forget the
name. Their motto is "Pur et dur", which literally translates to "honest and heavy", and that completely describes their music - an unstoppable outburst of furious noiserock, following in the
footsteps of outsider freaks like Jesus Lizard, Unsane and McLusky while marching to the beat of their own drum.

The K. was founded in 2010, and immediately gathered attention with a remarkable sound that is completely their own: viciously hard and energetic but without lapsing into your typical punk or metal tropes. 2012 marked the release of their debut album 'My Flesh Reveals Millions of Souls' (JauneOrange/PIAS), a perfect visiting card that enjoyed positive reviews and opened doors abroad. The next two years saw The K. playing renowned national festivals like Dour and Nuits du Botanique (Brussels), as well as embarking on a few international tours through Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe. At the end of 2015 the second album 'Burning Pattern Etiquette' was released, a collection of songs that broadened the musical spectrum of the band without losing any of the manic energy they have become known for. Don't be fooled though: this means they can lull you into a feeling of safety for a moment, only to pummel you twice as hard the next.

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